Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Festivities

Our festivities started last Saturday. John's command did their 2nd annual Hunted House. Some friends and I decided to go suprise him and go through the hunted house. After sneaking around behind John's back getting a sitter, and getting to Pearl Harbor, without a car, about the time we arrived they were closing down an hour early for the night. BUMMER!! But we did go on Monday with John's knowledge, he actually watched the kids so we could all go in together. And WOW!! it was 100 times better then last year. Good Job guys!!

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday night was our trunk or treat party with the ward. That was fun. But a bit stressful getting ready for it. Only because I waited about 1 day to late to order the boy's costumes for Halloween. So I waited for the mailman to come with the hopes that the costumes would get here on time. Well the mailman came and went and no costumes. (The costumes got here on Thursday) So I ran to walmart and found what I could to get the costumes to match our theme this year. I think that we all turned out pretty good. I was able to buy Isaac's costume, but I made Noah's. And John and I put ours together earlier in the week, thank goodness! Here we are:

Batman (Isaac), Joker (John), Robin (Noah), Posion Ivy (Shari)

Then Isaac had a play morning Halloween party in which I was up until 2am making these wonderful cakes.

This being my first time attending an activity like this, I wasn't sure how all out to go, and I had to make 36 of them. Well let just say mine where the most elaborate things that we shared. Everyone was amazed that I was able to make such cute things with a 12 wk old. John really was a big help, he made sure that the kids were taken care of as I neglected my family for the night.

Then we are trick or treating on Friday. Now this was Isaac's first year of trick or treating, and he was finished after a few stores at the mall. But he did get to eat his first sucker EVER!! I think we did pretty good that he made it past 2 yrs old and just had his first sucker.

Noah had fun too

After our short trip to the Mall John decided that it was still early and that we needed to pass out candy at the house. So we went to the store and bought a bag of candy, well that lasted about 2 groups. So John and Isaac passed out Isaac's candy. Its ok we don't need it at the house anyway.

All the LOOT we had left after gifting it to Trick or Treators


Joy said...

Loving that family theme!

Stephanie Williams said...

the kids looked so cute! Your costumes were awesome!!