Monday, November 24, 2008

I Interrupt the Regularly Scheduled Blog...

Ok so maybe I am not as funny as I think I am. But either way this is out of the "vacay" context. This weekend was Stake Conference in our Stake. I am just rejuvenated after listening to our stake president. I truly love him and always enjoy him when he speaks he motivates me. Well our stake has this 7 F's.

1. Frequent Temple Attendance
2. Family Home Evenings
3. Family Scripture Study
4. Family Prayer
5. Family Council
6. Family Fun
7. Family Service

And President Walker talked about them again. But this time it really hit me! I already know that those things were important, and yah we try to do those things sometimes, but we just outright suck at some of them (FHE).

So yesterday after conference I came home rip, roaring and ready to turn a new page. To start a new tradition. To jump back on the "F" bandwagon. I was so pumped that I printed of hundreds and hundreds of FHE ideas for us, filed them according to topic and even told John that he is in charge of next weeks lesson. (I am doing today's). See we used to have FHE all the time when it was just John and I. And occasionally when Isaac was little, but once he became mobile FHE died, and fast. Then once he got to an age that he might understand what we are talking about, I never knew where to start, and how to make it interesting for a 2 yr old. Well ladies and gentleman I am here to tell you that the church has thought about us with little ones. And have made it really really easy to do.

Step 1. Make the commitment to change TODAY!!
Step 2. Go to Friends in PDF
Step 3. Pick any year between 2001-2008
Step 4. Select the November Issue
Step 5. Scroll through until you find something that will work for your family and kids. Pick something simple, and something that you can plan in a few mins.
Step 6. Assign someone next week

See it is simple.

Some other things that I took away from conference this weekend. Be prepare: food storage, debit, and family gardens. Anyone can be a missionary. A 15 yr old in our stake talked about a life changing sentence that his YM leader told him: Don't ask Heavenly Father to "help you find people that are ready to hear the gospel" but ask him instead "to help those that are looking for the gospel find you". So this teenage boy did just that. And when the new school year started he was in one of his classes, and was sitting next to this kid, which he describe as "someone that looked like they didn't like to talk alot" but boy was he wrong, he stated. He told how the boy and him became good friends. And one day the boy asked if he was LDS? Yes he responded. His new friend told him about how much he loved the church and how he always wanted that in his life. The teenager of course flabbergasted, listened intently as his new friend told of how he had taken the discussion awhile ago, and now he wanted to be baptized. WOW!! Hows that for your prayers being answered. See anyone can do it.

Just so you know THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!

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