Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Funny Things They Say

So today was a normal crazy day. Isaac was a complete terror. He broke 3 ornaments today, his new favorite pass time, along with pulling the garland off the tree spinning it. But he did say some hilarious things today...

While watching Prince of Egypt

movie "I am the I am" John- "I always expect him to say I am Sam I am"
movie "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" Isaac "I Isaac too"

while we were sitting at the table for dinner-

John "tell her that you like what she did with her hair" Isaac "hair"
John "tell her that she looks like she lost weight" Isaac turns to John sorta waves his hand downward at John and says unbelievingly "JOHN!"

We laughed so hard that I cried, and John could baerly breathe. Lots of other funny things were said, but I only remember those right now

1 comment:

Chantell said...

That's hillarious! too cute