Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our Rollie Pollie

As some of you might know Noah is, well there is no nice way to say this, fat! I know that babies can't technically be called fat. But the kids has fat rolls in his fat rolls, how else would you describe him. Well anyway on Wednesday I was upstairs tucking Isaac in for his nap, and suddenly I heard a blood curlding scream come from Noah downstairs. I had left him on the floor, on a blanket. When I got downstairs his was laying face down in a puddle of spit-up. I was sure that I left him on his back since ever time he is on his tummy he spit-ups all contents of his stomach through his nose no matter when his ate last. So I did an experiment. I put him on his back again, and went upstairs to finish with Isaac, and sure enough half through my time with Isaac, Noah screams again. I come down stairs and sure enough he was on him tummy again, in a puddle. I called John to tell him, and he was bummed he missed it. I told him "Don't fell bad cause I missed it too, and I am home!" He has gotten much faster at rolling over since then, but still can only roll back to front. He doesn't spit up as much now as he rolls over, so that is good. But either way the mobile stages have begun!!!


Shauna said...

Stopping by to wish you a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna

Stephanie Williams said...

Congrats Noah!!! Good job on the rolling over!

Chantell said...

Yeah Noah! that's so fun to see them reach those mile stones!