Friday, October 15, 2010

Tracy Family Reunion

When my Aunt Ana was a teenager she gave a baby up for adoption. The baby that she gave to a loving family oh so many years ago, found my Aunt Ana just a few years about, right before she died. Most of the family had met her, but my dad's kids that live here in Cali had not, so my Uncle Pat arrange a family reunion. It was wonderful. I got to see my Uncle Jack who I am sure I have not seen since John & I got married 7 yrs ago, my uncle Pat's daughter, who I have not seen since I was a teenager, her husband, and kids which I had never met and few more distant Aunts & Uncles that I have never met either, and of course Regina. She has lived an amazing life. The family that adopted her moved back to Holland shortly after he adoption was final. She was in the nursing field, spoke a slew of languages, had an amazing sense of humor, and an uncanny ability make fun of my Uncle Pat, who has kinda took her under his wing, helping her stay in contact with the family after my Aunt Ana died a few years ago.

The Party was in Victorville, CA. Which is in the high dessert, and BLUSTERING hot. Thankfully my uncle has a swimming pool, and the kids were able to hang out most of the day in it. Isaac amazing connected with my Uncle, and jumped right in the pool. The water was warm, but not bath tub water, this was not to Isaac's liking, so he screamed. My uncle looked him in the face, and said "if you do that again you will not be able to swim!!" Isaac never once screamed again. He breathed funny, and shivered alot, but no screaming. I was amazed, and Isaac and Uncle Pat created a close bond that day. Later after Isaac had begged and begged to watch TV, Uncle Pat lead him down the hall and let him watch TV in his bed, under the covers. According to his wife, Darla, He never lets the kids go back there.

Noah was not up for the water, and that was ok with me, cause that meant I didn't have to get in. WHEW!! But as you can see in the pictures he loved watching all the other kids hang out in it. He did take a dive of the walkway in his walker, pretty much ending my break, because the kid sat in my lap the rest of the day. Finally my brother Aaron took him after dinner. My arms were so tired, and my back was KILLING me. Noah snuggled up to my wonderful teddy bear of a brother and fell asleep on him. I slept the rest of the time that we were there. Thus being a perfect angel!!

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