Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bike RIde

 So we try to get out regularly with the boys and their bikes. It is great practice for both of them. This ride we decided to take the boys alittle bit further than normal. This ended up being a bad IDEA!! Both boys were at their limit before we even got half way home. Which lead to frustrated kids and parents. There almost was an a need to call CPS!! Just Kidding. Although I felt like I was getting close to that point!

Before all happy and ready to go
Ready to head out
 Noah looking so cute
 Isaac is getting pretty good, and can ride pretty fast. Yes John is running to keep up with him...
So Isaac ALMOST fell. John caught the bike before it feel, but Isaac kinda ended up on his knees. This made him not want to get back on the bike. He was afraid of hurting his head. SO John had him repeatedly beat his head on the brick all, so that way he would understand that he was not going to get hurt :-)

So before we got half way home Isaac was TIRED!! His head was sweaty, and he was tired! So John got on Isaac's bike to show him how easy it was to ride. It was SO funny.
                                                            Then Isaac said "Let me push you!"
Eventually we made it home, everyone in one piece, but it was touch and go there for a second!!

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Unknown said...

I love their smiling faces at the beginning! That picture of Isaac pushing John is so cute.

Shweta said...

nice one...