Saturday, April 10, 2010

Egg Hunt

So we were told that there was going to be an Egg Hunt on base, so I asked Barb, our friend's mom who has moved here to take care of her son's house and dog as he is depolyed, if she wanted to go, packed up the kids and headed over. When we got there, we found out that it was really for people that live in housing on base, but we saw plenty of people that live there, and they helped us "get in". I was a slighly chilly day, but the kids just had fun play and running around. And I am so so grateful that Barb was willing to come with me, cause it would have been such a stressful activity if it weren't for her. Thanks Barb!! Cause Isaac was running all over the place. I did nothing but chase him. The grossly under estimated the number of people that were going to attend. There were no where enough eggs for everyone to have one, let alone a few. Isaac was able to get one, but someone took it out of his basket!! So he was given some door prize type toys, which he loved. Someone later gave him an empty egg, which he also loved.
Noah mainly hung out with Barb and he totally had fun with his basket. Since he doesn't walk yet, and his walker has not arrived yet, he just played on the grass. But he had just as much fun, if not more. I love, love, love the picture in the middle of him. It is he happiest face, and it makes me smile ever time!

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1 comment:

Stephanie Williams said...

Gosh he looks so big in these pictures! And exactly like Isaac! I thought it was Isaac at first!