Monday, June 16, 2008

With The Time We Have left....

I decided that it was very important that Isaac see his Grammie and Papa (John's Parents) before we left. They were originally going to come visit us at the end of July as my family went to a family reunion, but since we will leave before that weekend comes I decided very last minute to take a 10 hr drive with Isaac and Scrappy to visit the in-laws. So we have now almost spent a week here and have loved every minute of it. I love John's family and have always felt very very included and welcomed, so it makes it easy to come visit by myself. Sometimes its fun to visit without him, I get to hear all the stories over and over again about his childhood, and see old movies, and fun things like that, that he would NEVER let happen if he was here. :P

Isaac has tons of cousins here and it has been nice to see and visit all of them, I think there are 18 of them and I think that Isaac is number 16. But either way it has been nice. I am staying at John's parents house, and Katie and Levi live on the same mountain so Isaac gets to play with those cousins everyday, and he has loved every minute of it.

Yesterday we went over to Adam's house and the WHOLE family came, all the kids (well we sorta, minus John-whos in Africa, but WE were there, and Aaron who lives in New York). Even Grandma Sally was there. It was a blast. It was a combined party for Emily and Isaac's Birthday and for Father's Day. We got Dad good, well not me, the boys did, they dump an entire 5 gallon bucket of water on him, he was a great sport about it, but it was still very funny. Isaac was a hoot opening the presents that he was given. He received an outfit from Grandma Sally and immediately said "Cote" (aka cute). Do you think I say that allot? :D Next he received a pair a PJ's from Adam and his family, and then took his shirt off, say "Off", and put on the shirt that went with the PJ's. Next he got hot wheel size airplanes and helicopters from Jacob's family, and asked to play with them right away. Then asked again on the way home, the second we got to Grammie and Papa's house. And first thing when he woke up. Finally i opened them and let him play with them. Then all day he wanted more. He is so cute!!! Earlier in the day he was given another set PJ set by Katie and her family. And Grammie and Papa gave his a gift certificate to Walmart, so I don't have to ship as much stuff.

All the pictures are on the camera still, but I will post some when I return to WA, I leave on Wednesday. And upon my return I will post tons of pictures. After that we have 3.5 wks before we return to Hawaii, so we will have lots of packing to do. Deciding what is staying, going, and being shipped. So I will have TONS to do, but I am getting so excited about all that. Mainly cause we I return I will only have about 25 days until John returns. I am SO excited for that!!! But there are tons of other things. I am excited to sleep on my nice comfy mattress, set up house, and see all our friends that are still there, some have left :(, but many are still there. I am very sad to leave my family, and friends here, and TARGET :(

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It will be fun to see you. Let us know if we can help you with anything. Let us know when you are here. Bring target back with you could you????