Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Djibouti, Africa

We got John's orders today. And it is official John is going to Djibouti, Africa. He is leaving HI on or before Jan 13 and will be returning end of August, beginning of Sept of 2008. I will be leaving around the same time to go live with my parents, depending on the ending of our lease here, PC shows, and plane ticket costs. This is good news, and we are very happy that Heavenly Father blessed us with this opportunity to become debt free including student loans. It is going to be a real blessing. I will miss him, but we know that this is what is right for us.

As for other things going on. Not much really. The Developmentialist has not scheduled an actual appt yet!! :( I am anxious to figure things out with Isaac, and get things started to make sure we get a head start on the help he needs.

1 comment:

liv said...

congrats! hopefully you'll get to visit him when he's there, eh?