Saturday, November 3, 2007

Occupational Therapist

Okay so the Occupational Therapist call me and FINALLY scheduled an appt. She did inform me that ALL the therapist can not work it out in their schedules to meet with him all at once. So we will have A LOT of appt the next few weeks. But this and the Speech Therapist, in my opinion, are the most important. OT is Monday at 9am. Maybe it is better that they all do it separate, since he doesn't do well with new people. Talking about Isaac... we have had a few rough days. TONS, and TONS of crying. Today he cried for 35 mins two different times. I tried to give him away about 5 times today. Everyone of my friends that call today, were asked if they wanted to adopt him. Both times he cried I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was wrong. So after about 15 mins I went in the bathroom, for alittle while cried myself alittle, calmed down some, and then went and rocked him back and forth, while I sung every church song I could think of. And just kept repeating "It's okay" in between every song. Finally he started to calm down, and then just wanted me to keep rocking him, and singing. Sometime he is so cute. I can tell when he wants to me to rock him, because he just tries to rock himself by pushing on me. And if he wants you to sing he'll try to sing to. He will do this until you start doing whatever he wants you to do. So if you stopped by my house to today (and let me tell you a few people did), and it looked like Huricane Noal came through it, that is why.

On a good note.. We found out the Navy will pack and store our stuff, including our CAR!!! This is great news. I wasn't looking forward to packing this house at all. So YEAH for me!!

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