Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Life and their little Mysteries

So it has been almost a week since I posted. I have been debating whether or not to get one and post that I have been feel nausea and extremely tired. I wanted a test taken before I got on and told the world that I "think" I might be preggo. Many of you know that we have a hard time staying preggo, getting there is not a prob it is the staying there part that is hard. A lot of factors work against us. Rh factor, endometriosis, PCOS, and many DR suspect even genetic problems between DH and I. (Since he had 20w stillborn with his ex-wife) I chart my cycle so that I can know what is going on with it since there are so many things that work against us. And I am to the hour regular of when I start and stop. But this month I am three days late. Normally this means that we are preggo. All the signs were there red chin, nausea (this only happened with Isaac) and allergies to rings. Not always does a late period mean that I am going to have another baby. If that was the case I would have 7 more then I do. Normally when a period is late and I am going to miscarry, I can't get a + on a HPT, but go into the Dr and they draw blood, fun fun fun, and it comes back with some insufficient level of hCG for as far along I as think I am and they tell me to come back in 5 days to retake the levels to see if they go up or down. Normally they go down and they tell me to come back in 5 days to repeat the process all over again. Some go up some go down. We do this until we completely miscarry, they longest we ever when (besides Isaac) we 11w. But today I go in and they tell me there is NO detectable levels of hCG. WHAT?!?!?! Why??? They really don't have any answer to either really. They just told me if I have a lot of cramping accompanied with bleeding to come in. Are you kidding me that is a normal period for me. But either way I have no clue what is going on. Am I pregnant? Who knows. So that is today's Life and their Little Mysteries. When I know more you will to. You can also check out my charts if you want to at

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