Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kids Day

The military had a Kid's Day so I braved it alone. I generally try to do this kinda things with someone else so I have more hands, but it was a last minute decision to we had a nice time just the 3 of us.

Isaac loves the cow for Chic-Fil-A. I promise we don't go there alot. :)

I often fell bad for Noah. He goes to these things and just sits in the stroller, most of the time he is such a trooper, but he was getting a little upset that Isaac was havin all the fun so...
I found him a special toy. I didn't give one to Isaac so that Noah would be special.
We wondered around the place and I saw a table that was having drawings, so I asked how much, they replied nothing, so I entered my name.... And we WON and Xbox 360!! John has wanted one well since they came out, but we barely use the other 3 systems that we have, so I kept saying maybe later. Now he got one for FREE!!!
They had a PT course, that Isaac wanted to try so bad. So the lady humored him.

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