Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So where have two months gone...

I don't know about you, but the last two months seemed to have just flown by. Everything is going well with our pregnancy. I passed by 1 hr glucose, barely, but I still passed. It had to be under 129 and mine was 127, but that means I am not a diabetic during this pregnancy. YEAH!!! My blood pressure have been low, so that is good. Both problems I had with Isaac, so its great that I have less complications. But I still have one....when I was prego with Isaac some of you may have known that I had some balance problems, falling over and such. And it just got worse after he was born. They ran a TON of test, MRI, cats scans, spun me around, blew in my ear with cold and hot air, but still no answer to the problem. Well about 6 months after I had Isaac, i stop breastfeeding, and so got a period again. Well the problem vanished. I was mystified and so was everyone else, but I was grateful that I could walk around holding Isaac again. Well the problem started again. I talked to my DR told him that it happened with Isaac and how it progressed after he was born. And he took actions into his hand immediately.... he took my blood pressure in various positions and while i stood for awhile, since that is when it all happens. And sure enough my blood pressure dropped at each position change, and after standing for awhile. SO he put me on some medicine, and WOW!! I feel great now, I can walk across my parents home without feeling like passing out. I can go shopping and actually get things done. WOW!!! It has been great.

Well as for John he is doing great. And having a ton of fun, and learning lots. I do hear from him almost daily and that makes the deployment easier. Isaac has been so cute, if HE hasn't seen John in awhile he goes to the computer and points and says dada over and over. So we look at pic of dada. It seems to help. And he has to sleep with a pic of John on his pillow. One night I went in there cause i could hear him whispering, and I peeked in and he was holding the picture of John talking to it, and laughing. It was so so cute, made me cry, but it was cute.

Isaac is doing great, he is in speech therapy, and still has and OT. He is getting so much better with words, he says so much now, John says that every time they talk on the phone. He has preschool every Tuesday and Thursday which has really helped with the separation problems he had before, I can leave him without him screaming for 20 mins. So that is great, and much needed with this baby on its way.


Joy said...

Sounds like you are doing great! We are almost out of here in two weeks. I really can't believe it. Hey do you have a current email? I have much to tell you...

liv said...

what wonderful updates!! i'm so glad that things are good in so many areas - medically and with the pregnancy, with being able to talk to john, with isaac. i'm really happy to hear it. how long do you guys think you'll be in hawai'i? i'm thinking i'm going to try to move back after korea. time will tell!

Amanda said...

sounds like things are going really well I am glad that everyone is doing well