Sunday, September 4, 2011

Family Pictures

We try really had to take family pictures once a year. And this year with John heading our for deployment we were forced to take our family pictures earlier than normal. It all worked out since my friend Tiffany offered to take our pictures. They turned out BEAUTIFULLY!!! I love them and she did such a great job with the kids and the melt downs that come with a long photo shoot.

Tiffany took our pictures at the Paramount Ranch which is where Dr Quinn Medicine Woman was filmed. It has seen been opened to the public and as you can see it served as a beautiful back drop for our famikly pictures.

1 comment:

Stephanie Williams said...

Looks beautiful!! I feel like we havent talked in ages. My fault, I know. When does Jon leave? And do you know where to? Mike is in Afghanistan, maybe if they are near each other they can met up?