Friday, August 13, 2010

June, July And Most of August have past us by...

So you maybe wondering where we have been...well very very busy is the answer. I FINALLY found the cord to my camera so now I can update ya'll on what the Wards in Cali have been up to and what is right around the corner....

From the Beginning..

So on May 27th Noah had an EEG. There was a concern that he may be having silent seizures. So I called his Nuerologist at UCLA and the decided to do one just to be safe. We had to keep Noah all night long, so he can sleep naturally thru the EEG. So my neice, Brittany and my nephew Jacob came up to help. Brittany helped me keep Noah up, so that I could get some sleep, and Jacob stayed with Isaac since we would be leaving for UCLA at 530 and not return until after 6pm at nite. Noah was a champ!! Stayed up all nite with a little approved nap from 12-3, with no crying, then awake the whole trip to UCLA. Then stayed perfectly still as she attached 23 wires to his head, he fell asleep on cue, woke up without a problem. It was like magic. The tech said she had never seen any child be that cooperative let alone a child that was not even 2. YEAH NOAH!! After the EEG we had to stick around to get blood drawn and an appt with the Nuerologist as well as the perlimary test results. He was so happy all day, used his walker, never cried, never fussed. It was beautiful. The best part of the day was when we heard that the results we normal. EVER BETTER!! We have not gotten good news since we started at UCLA, and it was about dang time!! Of course with the stress of little sleep and the drama that I thought the day would hold I forgot my camera. But amazing technology, still allowed me to capture the moment via picture phone. Since I am not sure how to get the pictures off my phone expect to send them to facebook here is the link where they are located....

Noah's EEG Pictures

Stayed tune for the rest of the months...

1 comment:

Our Great Joy said...

I just read your post and saw the pictures. He's so cute and I am so impressed by how still he sat. I also read the comments on the pictures and I have to agree with John. I think your amazing too! You are a great wife and mom!!! The Ward family is very blessed to have you in it! -Angie