Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Zoo

So awhile back I told you we went to the zoo, and that I would post pictures. Well I never got around to loading th pictures on the computer until just a few days ago. So here is our day at the zoo..
Both kids were alseep before we ever got there
Look who is really in focus here. HEHE
You know there had to be atleast one photo showing how much I LOVE giraffes

This is my new favorite picture of Isaac.

Isaac decided after seeing the frogs in the reptile/amphibian area that he was going to hop like a frog.

OK I do know that I have two kids, just Noah was like 2 wks old and all he did during our trip to the zoo was sleep.

They have this really cool Keiki (kids) zoo. Isaac had a ton of fun in that part.
This was a tunnel that he could crawl through, and in the middle you could stand up and look at all these fish.


Anonymous said...

im your favorite reader here!

Anonymous said...

not bad.

Anonymous said...

very cool.

Anonymous said...

wow, very special, i like it.

Stephanie Williams said...

Isaac is like the cutest kid ever. I think he should be like a kid model or something. That picture of him is so... i dont even know the word, beautiful? thats not right but I hope you get my drift

Unknown said...

Your kids are adorable! These are the first pictures we've seen of Noah. He is very cute, just like his big brother.