Thursday, October 23, 2008

So 4:30 is way to early

Since we have returned from the mainland, Isaac has basically decided that 4:30 is the time to wake up, not matter what the rest of the house thinks. We have been making sure that he doesn't sleep longer then 1.5 hrs during the day, but no fear Isaac still thought that 4:30 was the time to wake up. Well after talking to his new OT and discussing some options, and keeping in mind that I will go crazy if I don't get some time away from him and his energy. We decided that we would try "quiet time" in his room. Where he would stay for 45 mins at first and work up to 2 hrs (slowly). Now this decision was made after Isaac had not really taking any naps for 3 days and still was a happy ENERGIZED 2 yr old. (He had slept 30 mins in the car) and now waking up at 7am (much much more reasonable) So today I decided to give it a whirl. He actually did great staying in his room for the first day, came out a few times, but I just reminded him that he needed to stay in his room until the timer went off. Well after his 45 mins he came down stairs and I was reading a friends blog, and he came and sat next to me, like he often does, and the next thing I know I have this:

This is actually after I had moved him off of me, tried to wake him up and move him some more and nothing is phasing this kid, he actually still alseep as I type this post. NOW if this was Noah just the movement of the couch wakes that kid up. That is a story for another day and post. But I just thought that he was doubled over sniffing his foot was just in need of posting

Well I am off to wake him up or try atleast and I will let you know if he still wakes up at 4:30 tomorrow. Since Noah doesn't wake up until 7, I wish that Isaac would take a cue from that, but we will see.

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