Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy 2nd 25th Birthday

So today I turned 25 for the second time. Ever since I turned 20 (oh so long ago) I have a hard time getting "older". (**Disclaimer: others that are older then I am, I strangely don't think you are old at all**) So this year I celebrated my 25th Birthday for the second time. (I made a decision this year, I AM NOT GETTING ANY OLDER STOMP STOMP STOMP!!!) It has been a wonderful day though. John loves and spoils me so much. HE made me breakfast in bed from Denny's. (Hey give him a break we do live in a hotel :) ) And tryed to take me to my favorite restaurant, but it was a 45-60 min wait, and with two kids, not going to happen. But we did go to TGI Friday's and we remember why we don't go there. Then he bought a cake and sang Happy Birthday to me. He also bought me wonderful gifts, always nice to be showered with gifts. He got me Punch! Home and Landscape Design software, which I am so excited about, because I now can plan how our new home will look, where the couches, beds, and tables will go along with the color of the walls. I had been trying to find a free thing online with all those features, but I had no such luck. So John surprised me and bought me one YEAH!! Also a 100,000 computer games, which is something that I normally wouldn't not play that much, I normally have way too much stuff to do, but being in the hotel with quiet hours after 8pm (since Isaac sleeps not 4 feet from us) and John studies from dawn to dusk, I find myself quite bored. So it will be well used these next few weeks. Also (I know there's more!!) He bought me this...

My friend Whitney has a similar one, that I was telling John I "needed" cause it has so many practical uses (lazy susan type server with bowls) and Whitney and her sister-in-law were helping me in the persuasion, but John kept telling me no, not until pampered chef sells one. (Since I sell PC, I am not allowed to buy any kitchen stuff unless PC sells it.) But anyway when he was at Costco buying me something else he saw this at 75% off. I guess the bottom has a chip in it. Well guess what I couldn't see it when I looked. So I am so excited to serve someone on it. Taco Salad, Tostada, Salad, Dinner anyone?
And last but not least, this wonderful pack of card stock that Costco was selling, and I told John I "needed" it cause well lets face it, a scrapbooker can never have too much paper! I love all the gifts that John got me.
He truly does spoil me. I love him so much. And I am so happy that he got on the same bus that I was on that day. And the finally called me and the rest well is history. But the card he gave me tells it best so :

From the first time we met,
Something wonderful and unique
Reached out and drew me
To you Completely
My Friend, My partner,
The Love of my Life

He truly does complete me. I miss him so much when he is not around, he is the first thought in my mind when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep, and he is truly the man of my dreams. Thank you so much John for making me feel special on my 25th birthday again!!


Stephanie Williams said...

Sounds like a wonderful birthday! John did good! =)

Whitney Niu said...

LOVE the Lazy Susan!!! John did an awesome job... and yours has the divided sections. The possibilities are ENDLESS!