Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oregon Visit 2010

 Before we headed up to Washington for my parents 30th Wedding anv we stopped by John's families house. I love visiting with them with or without John. We had lots of fun and hit lots of parks....It was was nice to have extra hands to play with the kids, and someone to take some pictures of us
Grammie and Papa have birds and ever since Isaac met them he has LOVED them!! He always asks to hold them and play with the. This time he did really good. In the past he had not liked it to be on him. But this time the bird and him watch TV for a while together :)
One of the days we were there it was a beautiful day, and my inlaws live out in the middle of nowhere, so I wanted to take Isaac on a hike. I asked Matt, John's nephew, and his girlfriend if they wanted to go with us. Isaac had so much with Matt. They found a lizzard, and Isaac even held it! WOW!! and EEWWW!!
Noah loves his Aunt Katie, and had so much fun with her. This at a different park that we went to, that was for one of grandkids. It had an old McDonalds play toy in it!! It was really cool, very hot inside, but awesome! The kids had a water ballon/squirt gun fight, they had alot of fun!
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