I have been concerned for awhile that Noah wasn't trying to stand or walk and had no interest to do such a thing. Isaac OT mentioned that I should get him evaluated a few weeks ago. Than last week when we had his 1 yr check up with his Dr, she was concerned, and even more concerned since his eyes aren't getting better and it does look like they will anytime soon. And his new eye movement specialist, Dr Demer, said that he thinks he need physical therapy since it doesn't look like we will know why his eyes are not wanted to look below mid-line for atleast another 6 months or so. So after Noah's eye appt on Tues, when we were told that there is no obvious reason for Noah's eye problem, and we would have to come back in 6 months see if we could find out more. I was in tears I just feel bad for Noah and all the challenges he has had to go through to this point. Well anyway on Wednesday I ran some errands in the morning and cause of John's CrAzY schedule this last week he was home, so I got to run the errands by myself as John stay home with the kids. So when I came home and walked throught the door I found this...

I screamed in excitement, and John was like "WHAT'S WTONG?!" As Noah fell to his butt, I told John that he was standing next to the couch. John replies so unexcited "What that, is that something new? He has been doing that all morning?" I was so happy, and sad, and stoked all at the same time. Happy that John got to see a first, he misses so many of those cause of work and such. Sad cause I missed it. The first time is special, exciting and so amazing!! And stoked cause I don't need to ruch to get him therapy. I will keep an eye on him and make sure that he is progressing and if he does need help as most of you know I will fight until he gets it. But until then he is progressing. Moving on up to walking, and a good thing too, cause all his 30 lbs get heavy to carry all the time.
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! So exciting for everyone! Glad John got to see it. I know a bunch of kids around Tristan's age that at the time didn't start walking and stuff until like 13-15 months, so I wouldn't be so worried. Oh, and I read this cute children's book that made me think of you and Noah. Its called "My Travelin' Eye" by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw
YEAH Noah!!! That one put a little tear in my eye:)
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