1) Isaac was being sassy, and was put in timeout for not listening. When I called him out of timeout to talk about why he was in there. He told me he was sad. With a very sad face, one that would make anyone cry. I told him "well it makes mommy sad too, when you talk to people like that" I barely finished my sentence when Isaac replied "You can't take my sad away!!" I had to bit my lip to keep from laughing me head off.
2) I told Isaac "to be nice to your brother" and he reply "Noah not brother, I brother!"
3) I was reading the scriptures with Isaac before bed, and we were reading about the love that Jesus Christ has for the children, and how he showed it to the children when he visited the Americas. Well I told him that Jesus loves us too, and love him. He promptly replied "I not love!" Almost in disguist. See I call Isaac my bud or son, and Noah my love.
He makes me laugh almost all day. And John repeatedly askes me why is he so cute. In which I reply that its his fault. If it wasn't for the things that come out of that kids mouth, he might of been hung already. He is a trying kid that is for sure, but his looks, and his humor are going to get him in the hearts of people. I know that Heavenly Father knew that he would be trying for me, so he made sure Isaac had ways to make me laugh, or I might be on the 6 o'clock news!
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