Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I know, I know I am a little behind the time for Easter, but I wanted to post about the fun that we had. Part of the reason that I am so late in my Easter Post is because we didn't do Easter on Easter Sunday. We did it the following Saturday. Yes I said Saturday. With the move and all I completely forgot about getting stuff for dieing and baskets. But I did want to do something since the reason for the holiday is so important. So we decided since Isaac and for sure Noah had no idea when the actual holiday was celebrated by the rest of the world there was no need to rush out at 11pm on Saturday, April 11, to buy the provisions. So I went on Wednesday, and got killer deals on Easter stuff. I bought everything in both boys baskets and the baskets all for 8 BUCKS!!! YEP! 8 Smackers. Except the Hulk hands those I bought earlier when they were 50% off! Now they didn't not have the selection on things that I would have wanted, but both boys are still young and have no real clue about Easter or Easter baskets. So Saturday morning we died eggs with Isaac as Noah napped. I thought it was funny that Isaac just threw the eggs again this year, and that the only reason that the eggs are more than just red thanks to us the parents! But we had fun dieing the eggs, and then during nap the Easter Bunny came and hid the eggs, and then after nap we did baskets and eggs. Then we played what has become known as "Punch!"

Noah wanting in on the "action" or wondering why we are beating each other up?

The Hunt

The Capture

The Loot!!
As general update Noah can say "dada" which he started saying on Easter then the next weekend he started saying "mama". He is getting better at crawling he still would rather army crawl. As for the whole MRI mess, lets just label it that, well come to find out that he actually needs a neurologist appt and it at this point seems to be no ones place to put in the referral so I am currently calling and calling both offices until one of them finally decides it is their place to put the referral in. And the government wants to give everyone standardized health care, well let me tell you this is what you get, no one is responsible, and no one has anyone to answer to.

1 comment:

Stephanie Williams said...

Looks like they had fun. That pic of you and Isaac is so cute.