Thursday, February 26, 2009


So after weeks of looking, and looking, along with offer after offer! And after hundreds of "We're Home" shouted from Isaac's mouth. ONE has been accepted and is now is escrow!! We should actually get to move in around Apr 3. Our new home is pretty new it was built in 2006 and is 2026 sq feet. It is three stories, 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. I did get the large master bedroom and bathroom I wanted, but I did not get as large of a kitchen as I had hoped, but it is still fairly large and it has a built in hutch in the dinning room, so atleast I have lots of cupboards. I know that I promised many of you video, but the video that we took is too large to upload anywhere that I have found. So when we get a chance we will go back and make a video again, split up into smaller portions. So soon I promise.


Amanda said...

congratulations. I cant wait to see what it looks like. Happy Homeowners

McCormick fam said...

We are very happy for you guys.
Congtrats. Now comes the fun part... Decorating.

Stephanie Williams said...

Awesome! Is it that one that you showed me? In that one neighborhood? How was the rest of your trip down here?