Monday, November 24, 2008

Last Day

I know that it has been a long and exciting trip for everyone, but unfortunately it is coming to an end.

Since the first full day of our trip, when we ate breakfast at Jackie Rae's, and they told us all the things to see and do on the island, and they told us about this beach and that beach. I had wanted to go to the green sand beach. YES I said green sand beach. Now when you Google Green Sand Beach Hawaii, many people will in their blogs and posting will say it is the only one in the world. That is not true! There is only 2 in the whole world the other one is in Guam. Not really know if I will ever get to Guam I was determined to see that Green Sand. So we decided that we would get up at 6am to leave by 7 so we could drive back out to South Point take the 2.5 mile hike in and 2.5 mile hike back out, to then drive back the 1.5 hrs so we could get ready to leave and be at the airport at 2pm. So that was the plan...

We woke up on time, left within a fews mins of our scheduled departure, drive the 1.5 hr drive that took us 2 hrs due to traffic. It poured, I mean poured only could see a few feet in front of you poured right as we were getting to South Point. But I will still going to do this. We got there parked and got out of the car and the sun came out... See I am going to get to do this. We started the hike, once we found the trail head. It wasn't really a hike, it was a lava rock road, that many many people had drove on. Well we get not but 10 maybe 15 feet into the road and a lava rock moved as I was walking on it, and I fell. Twisting my right ankle and skinning my left knee up pretty good (Not tearing one hole in my pants though)

But I moved my ankle around a bit, making sure it still worked. It hurt but not bad, so I plugged onward. The "hike" was a fun one after rained so hard. Finding a place that we could step and not step in calf deep water was interesting. But we pressed onward, we were going to go and see that beach. Now about 30 mins into it. It was really muddy and my foot slipped and my ankle twisted again. This time instantly seen here in a picture of my ankle at the airport

Ok my swollen ankle is on the left, and the one on the right is permanently scared from falling on the treadmill a few months ago...I know I am accident prone

At this point it hurts pretty bad. As we all stand around and I try to figure out what I am going to do, John makes the decision that we were going to head back and Whit and Leland could just take pictures for us. So we head back to the car, it takes us about 45 mins. Then we drive back to the resort, I sit on the couch with my feet up as John gets us ready to go to the airport. Come to find out we were only 15 mins from the Green Sand Beach. BUMMER!!!

But on the way back to Kona we did see this in the sky

I thought it was worth taking a picture of since it looks like a train to me.

I did wanted to make sure that I did comment on the Kona Airport. Now think back to what you thought Hawaii would be like. You had watched the Brady Bunch, they came to Hawaii, got leis, nice open breezey. Well the HNL airport not like that at all. Well the Kona Airport is all out doors. Its really cool and adds to the affect of landing on island. Once we landed I said now I feel like I am on island.

Taking Off Back to Reality

It was fun. We had a blast. And can't wait to do it again.

1 comment:

Stephanie Williams said...

i know i have fallen off the face of the earth but its like life is kicking me in the butt right now. anyways, how are things? sounds like stake conference was good. Sorry we missed it. how are things? Tristan asked to see "aunty shari and isaac yesterday" he wanted to go to the musem again. Hope you guys are having a good thanksgiving.