Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Said Pre-toddler NOT ready for toddler bed

Yesterday's naps were actually doable. He loved his new view of the bed. He played on it while I changed the front panel. Socome nap time, I just sat in a chair, and he laid there, everytime he would get up I would just remind him it was nap time and he needed to lay down. This went on for about 15 mins, not bad for the first few time, very pleased with myself. This part of the day went well. And he slept for 1hr and 1.5 hrs for the next nap. WOAH!!! Good Job Shari. John gets home I tell him all about the big boy that Isaac is, and what a great listener, and napper he was today. *Pat, pat, pat* Bedtime, which we never had a problem with was a completely different story. We never have the same person put him to bed every night, that way he is okay with whom ever puts him down. Now remember Dh is a great husband and father, but not very patient. After 5 mins he comes out with Isaac in hand and says he isn't going to bed. Ok let mom try, after 45 mins of this lay down, go to sleep routine, Isaac is out. Ok that was a little harder, but still doable. Next comes the part that tells me pre-toddler NOT ready. We figured out a couple of days ago that Isaac will sleep throught the night again if he wears less to bed. So he has been doing really well, but last night he woke up twice, put himself back to sleep in a few mins, okay not much change, then 5am rolls around, and Isaac is screaming bloody murder, I jump up as quick as a mom can at 5am, and go to the bed in our closet. (I don't turn on any lights ever, might wake up even more) so I am searching the bed, searching, ok I can hear him he is close to the wall it seems, but nothing. Ok where is he. Panicing, more panic. Is he under the bed? Oh my GOOD gravy the boy has crawled all the way to the wall UNDER the bed. So needless to say we will be put the front crib back on, and figuring out what else to do for naps.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Good Bye Beloved Calling

I have been in the Young Women's Program basically since we got to this ward in some way or another. And I love serving the YW and the program is a beautiful program truly inspired. But Today I had to asked to be released. It saddens me, but I know that it was right. This has been coming for weeks. I stopped going the last few weeks to see if it would make a difference, I have fasted and prayed, and I just know that this is the right thing. We got a new Presidency awhile back. And I was the Personal Progress advisor. I think this was my favorite calling I ever had in the Young Women's because that is the best program for our current youth. But the president, maybe the presidency I am not sure, started to slowly take away my program. And the last three months they have not had it at all. I feel sorry for those girls, they really need that program. But the YW pres was stressing me out, and depressing me beyond what I would like in my life. This woman may as well just call it her program. She has done away with so much of the actual program (like combine YW/YM meetings), and does everything according to her will and whim. She makes up her own rules to the program, and to the gospel, and the handbook (she makes up her own). The YW seem to really like the life of no rules that she has implemented, but what YW wouldn't like to do away with the rules.

Other than that life is the same old same old. Some new developments: I have broken Isaac of the bottle. YEAH!!!! It took awhile, since he was so attached to it, but he has not had one since Tuesday. So this is a good sign. He is a weird kid though, and has refused to take naps in his crib since vacay, so we have been accommodating his hatred of his bed during naps by letting him sleep other places, the couch, the floor, my bed and basically any place I could get him to nap. Not the best thing I know, but whats a Mom to do. Well I recently have to decided to get back to BABYWISE basics and get him doing what I want, not what he wants. This has not gone over well. *note to parents and moms, don't wait in doing this, delay will only cause YOU further pain.* Isaac is protesting at every level. he screams for 65+ mins before sleeping 25 mins. If I let him sleep somewhere else he will sleep for 1.5-2 hrs twice a day. But napping in his crib is truly traumatic for him and I can seem to only bare so much screaming. Tomorrow I am going to change his crib to a toddler bed, to see if the change of scenery will change his will. I will let you all know how this is taken by definant said pre-toddler. As for BABYWISE I love it. Parenting method prefered by me, and recomended by me. I'll let you knowabout the sleep thing and how he is progres with that.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ok starting with a fresh start

OK tried the blog thing before got prego, and really sick, and then no post came again for two years. And where do you start after two years??? Well all over. So here we are. If you are new and never read the two post hehehehe that I made two years ago the address is http://twinkleeyes72.blogspot.com/ so you can get caught up.

So where are we now. We are still in the same spot that we were before dreadful HAWAII. Not my favorite spot after 6 years I am ready for something new. And that is actually the biggest news that is happening in our house. DH picked orders on Wed. and we will find out next Wed. if we got those orders. They are to San Diego. We will be there for 4 yrs. SD has huge pluses, and big minuses. Pluses family, hum, family, oh already said. It will be closer to my family which I would love to see more. And flights will be cheaper to OR, and WA to see Isaac's grandparents. Big minus might not be able to buy a house, cost of living (still will be cheaper then ripe-off -ville aka HAWAII, they mark gum up 30 cents a PACK, come on it doesn't cost that much per pack of gum, oh not the point right now we can talk about this later) oh more minuses, family j/k. I love my family a lot. John will have an okay deployment schedule, 10 in, 6 months out. Doable I guess. Since we have a hard time getting and staying prego, not the best schedule. And since pregnancy are not the easiest for me, then won't be great. But I have a wonderful sister that says she will move in with me to take care of Isaac if need be. This I am grateful for. Family is wonderful.

Okay what to write what to write. Well life here in HAWAII is not as exciting as one might think. But some other recent developments here are I do Pampered Chef, if you would like to check out my website got to www.pamperedchef.biz/4thechefnU which I love. Cause I can make money around my schedule, and I get to stay home something that is really important to me. Plus I get to entertain all the time, I love to entertain, problem being DH not such a P-A-R-TA-Y animal. So guess what I entertain at other peoples houses. Isaac is almost 15 months WOW life goes by fast. Oh we will sealed in the San Diego Temple on June 19, 2007. WOW that was amazing.

OK well it is late so gotta go. You can check back often to see if I post. I will try to be better about posting more often then the last one.